In case you received a damaged item and the cause of the damage is faulty after some time then our policy is as followed on this link.
If you ship away a return item and our policies are not followed we will not be able accept any return or refund. We kindly remind you that we ship away our packages with love and we expect you to carefully do the same since it needs to be resalable.
For any clarification or support on this matter please email us on welcome@ozeanhome.com
As soon as your order has been shipped away, you can track your package via this link . For any further clarification we will be happy to inform you in case of an update to solve this matter efficiently at welcome@ozeanhome.com 

Our apologies in advance,
Ozean Team
Sorry to hear that! Yes, we will certainly refund you as long as our return policies are followed. Although the 6.99 € return fee will be deducted from your refund amount to cover the cost of the return. To ensure a successful return please click this link .  
Email us on welcome@ozeanhome.com to process your return and get your refund as quikly as possible.
You can make a purchase with Visa, Debit card, Ideal, Paypal and voucher/gift card.
Yes we can make all our fabrics slow-burning and waterproof only for big quantities orders. Extra cost is applied. Please email us on trade@ozeanhome.com for further information. 
The fabrics can have a color difference from the photo. In case you're not satisfied enough we want to provide you the best service we can to meet your needs. 
Please email us on welcome@ozeanhome.com and we will then look for a suitable solution. We remind you that 6.99 € return fee will be deducted from your refund amount to cover the cost of the return. 

For bigger projects, we advise you to request samples, free of charge  except from the delivery costs. We will be happy to assist you on trade@ozeanhome.com

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